Hi Everyone,
I'm a newbie to all things concerned with copyright!
I'm interested in using front covers from old girls annuals from the 1960's & 70's for posters.
I realise that DC Thompson were the distributors of the annuals but I'm not sure of the following:
Are the artist who drew the illustrations the owners or DC Thompson?
What is the process for gaining distribution rights of the illustrations for reprint in posters to sell?
Hope someone can help!
Copyright concerning artwork used in comics & annuals
Hi nancy,
Chances are that DC Thompson will be the owners of the copyright. This is because either the artist was an employee of Thompsons and so copyright would automatically devolve to the the employer (under Sectiion 4(2) of the Copyright Act 1956) or if the artwork was commissioned by them from a freelance illustrator, in which case Section 4 (3) is most likely to have effect.
On that basis, you should contact Thompsons for permission. They have a specific email address for licensing enquiries: <a href="mailto:licensing@dcthomson.co.uk">licensing@dcthomson.co.uk</a>
Chances are that DC Thompson will be the owners of the copyright. This is because either the artist was an employee of Thompsons and so copyright would automatically devolve to the the employer (under Sectiion 4(2) of the Copyright Act 1956) or if the artwork was commissioned by them from a freelance illustrator, in which case Section 4 (3) is most likely to have effect.
On that basis, you should contact Thompsons for permission. They have a specific email address for licensing enquiries: <a href="mailto:licensing@dcthomson.co.uk">licensing@dcthomson.co.uk</a>
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