I'm wondering if I can shoot video footage of America's architectural works in public places and publish the clips online none-commercially.
American copyright law:17 USC 120(a) ( http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#120). The definition of "Pictorial Representations" is unclear to me. Is shooting video footage included? Can anyone please help me?
Freedom of Panorama in America
Hi Anna,
Moving images or video would constitute pictorial representations. Furthermore under the US doctrine of fair use, making a video of a building is likely to constitute 'transformation' and so, unless the other factors involved in assessing fair use went in favour of the architect (which I can't see happening), your video would not be infringing.
Moving images or video would constitute pictorial representations. Furthermore under the US doctrine of fair use, making a video of a building is likely to constitute 'transformation' and so, unless the other factors involved in assessing fair use went in favour of the architect (which I can't see happening), your video would not be infringing.
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