winnie the pooh in the public domain

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soda bottle
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winnie the pooh in the public domain

Post by soda bottle »

Hi there

It appears the text from the original AA Milne book Winnie-the-Pooh is now in the public domain. ... lic-domain

I'm just double checking that I can quote from the book (not later Disney script text) now in a children's book? Thanks for your help.

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Re: winnie the pooh in the public domain

Post by AndyJ »

Hi soda bottle,

If you are based in the USA, then, yes, you can consider the original Winnie the Pooh book (published in 1926 in both the UK and USA) to be in the public domain there and you can use the text however you wish.

However in the UK, all the works of AA Milne remain in copyright until 1 January 2027, because Milne did not die unitl 1956 and copyright continues to run for 70 years after an author's death. That said, if you are based in the UK, you may still quote from any of the books, provided that you credit the author and only use a sufficient amount of the original work for your purpose and no more than that. The bit of the law which allows you to do this is section 30 (1ZA) of the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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