Image right copyright infringement letter

If you are worried about infringement or your work has been copied and you want to take action.
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Image right copyright infringement letter

Post by Terry »

Hi guys I have got one of these letters saying I used someone photo.
The image we used looks nothing like the photo.
Our image is in crayon. Ai. Generated the face is different the hair is different the picture is nothing like the original
What do I do.
So confused.
As a safety thing we took the image down as a precaution
Any advice.
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Re: Image right copyright infringement letter

Post by AndyJ »

Hi Terry and welcome to the forum.

It is possible that the AI tool has been trained using the original image which is the basis of the complaint. However provided that your prompts did not specify or reference that specific image then I don't think you have anything to worry about. In this context using AI is largely the same as using a scanner yourself and then manually adapting the image in Photoshop. If that process involves a substantial part of the original then copyright in it may have been infringed.

You will need to try and convince the claims company that there is no connection between the two images and therefore no infringement. I think it is unlikely that, if the two images are obviously dissimilar as you say, that they will wish to test their claim in court, and so ultimately they can threaten as much as they like, but you probably don't need to worry about this escalating to something more serious. You do not need to become involved in a protracted argument with them once you have informed them that they have made a mistake and they fail to accept this.
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Re: Image right copyright infringement letter

Post by Terry »

Thank you for replying.
And thank you for the explanation
I will send a rebuttal letter.
As I don’t think they will go away as many people have has similar issues and many letters from them i have notices on this platform.
There are many differences in the two images
The hair styles are different shape style and colour
They actually face is a different shape.
There’s is a photo , this one is a crayon style
The mouths are different shapes
There’s are no ears showing our has ears showing
There’s has a upper body skin this one has a jacket on
The eyes are different colours.
There photo was not used . Just prompts.
But it is of the same person
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